The Puppet


Made by Theatre with no home company

Is the non-verbal theatre performance about loneliness and solitude. Actors and actresses work creatively with the life-sized puppet to express their feelings. Is there solitude in the streets of the big cities? Do the homeless people feel lonely? How could the handicapped person cope with solitude?  The performance is performed by people living on the streets, handicapped people and people suffering with psychiatric diagnosis.

Director: Patrik Krebs
Dramaturgy: Uršuľa Kovalyk
Set, costumes and puupet design: Zuzu Hudek
Music: Oskar Rózsa

Actors: homeless people, handicapped people and people suffering with psychiatric diagnosis

video is made out of the whole ERROR festival, the performance PUPPET is in the minute  4:06


Error Festival 2013 from Benjamin Richards on Vimeo.