The main goal of the performance was to create costumes which change their appearance and form during the time on the stage together with the body movement of the performer, light, sound and so on. The costumes and objects were created as first. The performers had freedom to experiment and to find boundaries of each costume or object. The costume and object together with the body express some process - illness, depression, aging,...This project was the result of one year scholarship research.
Name of the project : project Metamorphosis,
concept, design, director: ZUZU HUDEK
choreography and dance: Daniel Raček, Magdaléna Takáčová, Barbora Janáková, Soňa Kúdeľová
place and date: Bratislava, Nová Cvernovka - Telocvičňa, 18.10. 2021,
Thanks to : Fond na podporu umenia, Nová Cvernovka - Telocvičňa, PlaST - MajaHriešik a Soňa Kúdeľová
photographer: Simona Babjaková
Work in process:
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